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21 May 2009

MA Student Symposium

Our MA Student Symposium, held over three days, (May 11th - 13th) was a great success, the attendance was very high, (as usual), and with a cohort of over 50 PG students this year, from across all the postgraduate programmes in the School, as well as lecturers and other interested parties, the seminar room was pretty packed out. The symposium is an annual event, and allows the PG students to tell us all what they have been working on for their dissertation projects and is also an opportunity for feedback and encouragment....each day is chaired by one of our Professors; Professor Griselda Pollock chaired our first day: Professor Roger Palmer our second, and Professor Vanalyne Green our final day....All of the papers were of a very high standard, (as usual), and the papers from the MA Art Gallery and Museums Studies Students clearly illustrated the range of work being undertaken and how the field of museum and gallery studies is going to be further enhanced by some new young (and not so young) scholars!

Here's a flavour of the students' MA Art Gallery and Museum Studies papers.....

Beth Taylor, 'Prisons and Museums, Museums as Prisons: the panotican model in historical museum spaces'.
Philip Manley, 'Curating Narratives in an art gallery context: a study of three Gerhard Richter exhibitions'.
Tara Jardine, 'Object Transformation', a case stuy of the Time Stacks at the Imperial War Museum North'.
Miriam Loxham, 'Remembering the Holocaust in Britain: cultural memory and the Imperial War Museum's Holocaust Exhibition'.
Claire Hart, 'Voices from the Nazi Party Rally Grounds Information Centre, Nuremburg'.
Rebecca Wade, 'The Objects, Publics and Economic Logic of the Leeds Public Exhibition of Works of Art, Science, Natural History and Manufacturing Skill, 1839'.
Chan Chun Wa, 'From Absence to Presence: the representation of power in Meiji Imperial Museums'.
Eleanor Brooke, 'Chesters 'museum of a museum': representations of a 19th century collection for a 21st century audience'.
Georgina Gates, 'Displaying Contemporary Art in the Domestic Space: the Terrace Gallery and Watercolour Rooms at Harewood House'.
Ebony Andrews, 'The biographical afterlife of the Leeds Tiger, 1860-2009'.
Claire Murphy, 'Methods of Displaying Human Remains in English Museums'.
Joannie Cote Bouchard, 'History in the Leeds City Museum and the definition of Collective Identity'.
Helen Deevy, 'Artist-led Exhibition Spaces and Current Working Models of Urban Regeneration: Project Space Leeds'.
Kim Klug, 'Using Culture to Create Memory: MoMA's Alzheimer's Project'.
Shona Raffle, Belows Stairs: a nostalgic phemomenon?'
Dominique Gruhl-Begin, 'Exploring the motivations behind Corporate funding of the Arts: a comparative study between Nestle and Unilever'.
Allison Tara Sundaram, 'Digital Media and Youth Outreach: new pathways for museum learning?'
Miriam Dumbleton, 'Helen Chadwick's Archive: Ergo Geometria Sum and Feminism'.
Karen Mee, 'The formation and early history of Cawthorne Museum'.

Well done to all of the students! All of the papers were very well recieved, and there was a real critical buzz at the Symposium....


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